A wedding ring is a representation of everlasting love, but as many a philandering spouse knows, it can be slipped off and out of sight all too easily.
Now one US Company has created a ring that 'brands' the finger of those inclined to cheat.
The anti cheating ring, which is on sale online, is engraved on the reverse with the words 'I'm Married'.
As a result of which, when the ring is removed, the words are impressed upon the skin for a short time at least.
The 550 dollars wedding band is made from strengthened titanium and even comes with a lifetime guarantee, or in the words of the website, 'til death and all that'.
"With Arnold, Tiger and two timing IMF guy in mind, we have created this wedding ring for people intent on cheating," a major newspaper quoted the description as reading.
"The negative engraving on the inside means that when you are in the "Club" and an attractive woman or man comes along to chat, slipping your wedding ring off is not an option," it read.
The ring is more akin to a men's design than a woman's, presumably because the band needs to be wide enough to accommodate the words, rather than the fact that one is more inclined to cheat than another.