When you were single, you wanted to be committed. And when you thought you found the person, you realize she/he is completely wrong for you. The thought would surely have crossed the mind of almost everyone out there. So, what do you do? Be single or committed?
For starters, singletons have the completely wrong idea about being alone. They are not truly alone until they look at their best friend marrying the most perfect partner. The 'friend' then begins to ask innocently, “when are you getting married?” Without jumping to conclusions about what is wrong with you, a more prudent course of action would be to analyze why you haven't met Miss/Mr perfect.
And there lies the trouble. While we look for the perfect qualities, the actual 'suitable' one passes our glance. Just think, you're busy with a demanding job and stuck to your desk for a major part of the day (or night). Where is the time to find the person who may or may no suit you? It is only after you begin to know people that it becomes possible to choose the best among the lot.
Or maybe you have packed your bags to the wrong place, where only the wrong people surround you. Rather than considering choosing a more suitable place for socializing, most singletons prefer to sulk over how they are not good enough for commitment. Most of the time, in their desperation to find a partner, single men and women fall for the most attractive or the most popular. Time and again, it was proved that the popular, interesting ones are never the right ones.
There is the girl who has the best dressing style, or there is the guy who knows everything about everything. Still, that does not mean they are the ones who will stand by you through thick and thin, good and bad. What started off as a fun time, need not end in commitment. For this reason, choosing and sticking to a partner does not happen when you feel alone. Revel in your single status, love will eventually find you.
(AW: Sruthi)