Having serious doubts that your dude is about to dump you? If things with your guy is feeling a little off of late, it's time to pay attention to the much-apparent cues. For one, guys, unlike girls, never initiate conversation, which is why when they break off, it often comes as a bolt from the blue. But then, the dudes so drop hints that they are not feeling it anymore. The only thing is for you to catch those clues. This write-up should help you understand a few tell-tale signs that your man is about to dump you. Read on.
Turns overnight workaholic: Know that your relationship is heading south when your guy tends to spend more hours at office than with you for no apparent reasons. Doing so not only gives his ego a boost, but also gives him “space” from you.
Hangs out solo: When you started dating, he took you out to meet his friends and brothers. However, if he has experienced a change of heart, he might start having more boys’ nights sans you.
Stop texting you: It's believed that guys usually text on impulse. When he stops doing so, it implies that he no longer feels the need to text you sweet little check-ins he once did just to say good night or wake you up in the morning.
Reduces PDA: If he kisses you or holds your hand in public, he’s trying to tell the world that you are his world. However, if he stops doing, know that he is planning to go single soon.
(AW: Suchorita Dutta Choudhury)