Actress Aarti Agarwal, who ruled the industry for some years with her lead roles along side top heroes in Tollywood, is now ready to work with any actor or director. In fact, she has recently declared that she is ready to act in a movie and with any person.
True to her assertiveness that may bring her back into the limelight in the industry, Aarthi Agarwal has singed a C grade movie called ‘’ and has even completed 75 per cent of the shoot for the movie.
Her sister Adithi Agarwal is also playing an important role in being directed by Dhanam Rajkumar. Dhanush is playing the male lead role in this romantic film for which E Nagabhushanam is the producer. New comer Suresh Bobbili is composing music.
Rajesh, Shekhar, Bhanusri, Babumohan, Babloo, Sanjay, Roopakaur, Geeta Singh and some others would be featured in this flick whose shooting is progressing smoothly. “Now, we are shooting songs and the audio will be ready by April last week,” producer Nagabhushanam told movie journalists in Hyderabad today.