The news is out… victory Venkatesh has finally got his Victory back after a long waiting. His recent release, remake flick ‘Body Guard’ is earning good number of reviews from the audience4, despite of another successful film Mahesh’s ‘Businessman’ already moving towards the success ladder. Initially, the prerelease of ‘Body Guard’ was among the lot of speculation about the story and the success and Venky at this age experimenting to do such an out and out action oriented film. Moreover, everyone was already familiar with the film, so they were not much enthusiastic to watch the Telugu version of it. Proving all these speculations wrong, this Gopi Chand Malineni’s directorial turned out to be a solace to the producer, BellamKonda Suresh as well.
Many are in a opinion that the film has managed to become a success, because of Director’s idea to amend certain sequences keeping in mind the Telugu audience and Venky’s comedy as usual. Adding to it, even the Music and the dialogues earned a good review.
Well, this success of Venky has given him a new found strength to experiment with the roles and the films of different variation. So, ‘Body Guard’ a success at the cost of every element being properly set…