Veteran versatile movie artist Radha Kumari, 70, wife of comedian and character actor Mr Ravi Kondala Rao, passed away in Hyderabad in the wee hours of Thursday. Family members said she breathed her last when she was being taken to hospital.
Radha Kumari acted in more than 600 Telugu movies. Ammayi Pelli, Badi Pantulu, Prema Khaidi, Rangula Ratnam, Nuvvuleka Nenu Lenu, Chanda Mama, Arya-1, Mahatama, Okariki Okaru and Wanted are only a few films to remind you of her versatility.
Radha Kumari, who hailed from Vijayanagaram, fell in love with Ravi Kondala Rao and married him during the initial days of their film career.
Ravi Kondala Rao, who was out of station, rushed to Hyderabad after hearing the news. (J)