'Kochadaiyan', the much awaited animated movie of Rajinikanth is directed by none other than his own daughter Soundarya Rajinikanth. She had successfully completed the shooting of the film much ahead of the planned schedule and now is very busy travelling across the globe for post production work.
As always, the suspense of the release date continues. When contacted Dr. Murali Manohar, Co-Producer of the film, He says that the release date is not yet fixed and they are currently concentrating on post production work.
They don’t want to set deadlines as they want the outcome to be better.
And guess what; there are enquiries from the most fan prone area for Rajinikanth, Japan, to dub the movie in their language and release.
"All in All, It is a feast for Eyes to the audience" is what Dr. Murali Manohar says.