The wedding of Ram Charan and Upasana was a feast for eyes for all the fans. It happened in stages like Sangeet for friends and Family, Marriage and Reception for all and Lunch for fans.
The news is that Tamanna ans Shriya have given dance performances at Charan’s Sangeeth function to entertain the audience and what lures attention is that they have taken remuneration which is very very huge.
Shrieya was not available to make a comment. When contacted Tamanna to comment, She outrightly rejected saying these are rumors. She said, ‘I dance in all my family functions and likewise I dance at Cherrys function as Charan is like my own family.' She was upset over these baseless rumors and had confirmed that she had not taken any remuneration for the performance.
Well, we did not know that they were all of same family. We just thought you were all family friends.
Whatever it may be, it was a real feast to those who witnessed the complete episodes of Ram Charan’s wedding.
Chiru had thanked one and all for attending the functions and thanked all those who supported the function to happen so grand. The fans were excited as there was a special presence of the couple allotted for fans and a grand lunch.
Finally, the knot is tied, and everyone relaxed.