Sensational director Ram Gopal Verma, who is known for creating commercial movies on off beat subjects, has wrapped up the shooting of the sequel to Bhoot, BHHOOoo in just 14 days. The shooting took place at an old bungalow in the sub-urb of Mumbai. Actress Manisha Koirala is playing the mother of the girl Alayna. The plot apparently moves around this girl.
Ram Gopal Varma was very excited about the film and said children usually utter the word bhooo when they get scared of something. And that presumably caught the attention of RGV and made it the title of the movie. He has also said that if Bhoot scared you, BHHOOoo would kill you.
It may be noted that Bhoot was a horror film released in 2003 and created a sensation across the country. Ajay Devgan and Urmila Matondkar acted in Bhoot film. Earlier RGV came out with horror flicks such as Phook, Phoonk 2 and Raat. He said BHHOOoo was mother of all the horror flicks. Well, those who enjoy watching horror movies, BHHOOoo would apparently be thrilling to the core.
AW Phani