Prince Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar, who were blessed with a second baby recently, have named christened her Sitara (meaning star). Mahesh Babu has recently tweeted this on his profile. This was his tweet:
"Ghattamaneni Sitara is the name:)need all ur love n blessings:).”
The mother of the baby, Namrata Shirodkar has confirmed this to a daily moments before Mahesh Babu tweeted. She has also said that they were expecting the baby on July 26, she was born on July 20 (six days in advance). The baby being a girl and born on Sravana Sukravaram (auspicious Friday), the couple were elated.
Notably, the star couple have a son Gautam Krishna, who is now six years old. The couple were overwhelmed to have a baby girl as not just the couple but everyone in the family wanted a girl this time.
(AW Phani)