Tomorrow is a big day to lakhs of Salman Khan fans, who tagged himself as the ultimate superstar of Bollywood, as Ek Tha Tiger will be releasing and that too on the independence day. Salman, who has been rocking the silver screen for over decades, is still ruling the T Town. After the hit of Dabang and Body Guard, in the last two years, Salman Khan is all set to come before his fans tomorrow.
It may be noted that Body Guard film was released last August and it was undoubtedly a big hit. And now Ek Tha Tiger too is getting released in August. So, his fans were of the opinion that this movie will also create another record at the box office. Salman Khan is playing Tiger while Katrina Kaif, who is appearing as the love interest of Salman Khan, will be playing Zoya character. It has to be mentioned here that Katrina Kaif shared the screen space with Salman Khan after nearly four years. The last time the duo appeared on the screen was in Yuvraaj movie. Although that movie was class and received critical acclaim, it bombed at the box office.
The audio of Ek Tha Tiger was released in July this year and has received a thumbs up from the critics. The trailer of this film was out in May and it has received over a million views in the first two days. The expectations from Ek Tha Tiger are undoubtedly sky-high. Fans are already tweeting about Ek Tha Tiger round the clock. They have also started the count down for this film. The film critics too are reportedly excited to watch Ek Tha Tiger.
(AW Phani)