Nagarjuna starrer Damarukam is all set for a grand release on October 12. The audio of the movie would be launched on September 10. The expectations from Damurukam movie are sky-high and fans of Nagarjuna have said that this film would be a box office hit for sure. It may be noted that Damarukam is a socio-fantacy film, which was made with a budget of Rs. 36 crore.
Actress Anushka is playing female lead in Damarukam. This movie happens to be one of the costliest and prestigious projects of Nagarjuna. Devi Sri Prasad has scored music for Damarukam. The talkie part of the movie was completed and one song was left for shoot, said sources. If buzz is to be believed, the shooting of the last song would be completed by the end of this month and post production work will continue. Already Nagarjuna's another film Shirdi Sai has geared up for release next month followed by Damarukam. So, fans of Nag have double bonanza this year.
(AW Phani)