In less than 24 hours from now, the much awaited movie of rebel star Prabhas' Rebel movie will hit the theaters. While most of the multiplexes have already issued the tickets, sources said that masses were loitering around the theatres glaring at the posters outside the theatres where Rebel would be released. Gorgeous actress Tamannah and Deeksha Seth are playing opposite Prabhas in this film. The film unit earlier said that Rebel is going to be a complete action entertainer, which was aimed at the masses.
After a long gap, Prabhas is coming before the Telugu audience in a pakka mass role, said sources. They even said that in case this movie creates sensation, then chances are that Prabhas would label himself as the mass hero of the generation. Getting mass hero image is not a cakewalk and will Prabhas get that image with this movie is a million dollar question. Anyway, for Rebel review, visit Andhra Wishesh at 8 am. We would be giving live updates from the theatre.
(AW Phani)