Comedy flick Devadas Style Marchadu is reportedly going to make people laugh out their lungs. Currently the movie's shooting is underway in Hyderabad and buzz is that the shooting is in full swing. This film is being directed by Srinivas Gundreddy and has Tanish in the male lead. So far there were only very few films, which contained parody scenes. And recently released Sudigadu is a complete scoop movie. If buzz is to be believed, Devadas Style Marchadu is also a parody film and currently the shooting of Chandramukhi movie parody scenes is going on.
It may be noted that the director of this film, Srinivas Gundreddy is trying his hands on Telugu movie for the first time. But movies are nothing new to him as he earlier directed a Hindi flick and two Kannada movies. There are three heroines (Sana, Chandni and Sujan) in Devadas Style Marchadu. Lets hope that this film becomes a big success.
(AW Phani)