Nani's Yetovellipoindi Manasu with Samantha is all set for a grand release on December 14. This was confirmed by the film unit in a press meet at Chennai. Gautam Menon who gave Ye Maya Chesave to Samantha has directed this movie. The expectations are sky-high from this movie since it has Gautam Menon tag attached to it. Also, this movie is going to be a milestone in Nani's career. Music maestro Ilayaraja has composed music for YVC. The audio of this film was released recently and it has received good response from the public. YVC is going to be bilingual movie wherein it would be released by C Kalyan in Telugu. The sources said that this film was scheduled for a grand release on November 30 itself but due to the last minute hiccups, it got postponed to December 14.
(AW Phani)