Following the footsteps of megastar Chiranjeevi, his son Ram Charan Teja is going to come before audience in a dual role in Nayak, which happens to be fourth film and first film in dual role (just like Chiranjeevi, whose Nakili Manishi was his first film in dual role and fourth film in his career). Nayak is being directed by VV Vinayak and produced by Danayya. Glamorous beauties, Kajal Agarwal and Amala Paul will be playing female leads in Nayak. Thaman has scored music for this much hyped film, which is most likely to be released by Sankranti. The sources have said that the film's shooting would be wrapped up sometime in December.
As of now, the shooting of this full is going on in full swing at the famous Saradhi Studios in Hyderabad. This part of shooting is likely to go on for a couple of days. Earlier, a few important scenes were shot at Kolkata. Nayak is going to contain the famous song of Chiranjeevi, Shubhalekha Rasukunna.
(AW Phani)