King Nagarjuna's next movie, Love Story is all set for a grand release across the globe in February or March, 2013, as per the sources. The shooting of Love Story got underway recently and already one schedule was completed in Europe. The next schedule of Love Story would be shot in Bangkok for 25 fays. After a long time, actress Meera Chopra is going to appear in this movie in a guest role. Sizzling hot Nayanatara is playing female lead in this movie.
Nagarjuna plays the role of an NRI who happens to visit India for the first time. Notably, he's going to appear completely in a different style. Guys who have seen Nagarjuna in recent interviews apparently know how Nag looks like because the new look of Nagarjuna in real life was actually sketched for his reel life. Noted music SS Thaman composed music for Nag's Love Story.
(AW Phani)