The much awaited film Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu has finally hit the theatres. There has been so much rush outside many theatres in Hyderabad especially moments at around 10 am. People are all anxious to watch yet another love sage of Gautam Menon. Samantha and Nani are playing lead roles in this movie. It is known that Gautam Menon has good image in Tollywood industry too although he predominantly makes movies in Tamil.
Gautam Menon's last movie in Telugu was Ye Maya Chesave. He introduced Samantha in that movie and the film was a blockbuster bonanza, which apparently gave life to Samantha in reel world. Casting the same magical heroine in this Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu, Gautam Menon is all set to win the hearts of Telugu audiences yet another time.
Lets wait and watch if YVM will be as successful as Ye Maya Chesave. In a short while from now, we would bring before you a detailed review on Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu. Do visit the place soon to catch YVM review.
(AW Phani)