Decade of Trishxciting (exciting glamor of Trisha) has been keeping fans awe struck. The actress who was once Miss Chennai made a giant leap into tinsel world and ruled the roost in Tamil and Telugu. Critics to this day lament over the nil change in her physique since day one. The most sought after starlet had acted with almost all top heroes in the tinsel worlds including Kamal Haasan, Chiranjeevi, Venkatesh, Vikram, Surya......and many more.
The damsel is now racing ahead of her decade in the tinsel world, ever since she was introduced in 1999 Jodi (Tamil) and later in 2003 in Telugu through Nee Manasu Naaku Telusu. And right now she is working on a trilingual flick, RUM which will also be made in Kannada. One thing about this actress is that though she had enough controversies and rumours to her credit, yet she had remained bold and savvy.
Unlike many stars, Trisha rose to popularity by never compromising on her principles and that needs to be commended while admiring. She had ever stayed in her limits and never went, overboard in 'bare' hunt. Possibly this might be a point of fans regret but this has been the main asset of the starlet.
One point that proves that she is the most sought after starlet is gained from a survey conducted by a leading mobile service provider, Airtel. According to the survey 70 percent of the mobile users download Trisha's images more than Aamir Khan, Sharukh Khan or Salman Khan. The starlet stands tall in the downloads followed by Katrina Kaif and Kareena Kapoor. In the twilight of her career this achievement shall not go unnoticed. (Wishesh AarKay)