Prince Mahesh Babu is all glad over the massive success of Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu. In fact, the movie's collections crossed Rs. 10 crore in Nizam area in the first one week of the release, which is a new record in Tollywood. But Mahesh Babu doesn't believe in all this. He just wants people to enjoy his movie, that's it. Yes, he himself told these words during the success meet of SVSC, which was conducted recently in Vijayawada.
Mahesh Babu has said that he didn't even listen to the entire script when it was narrated by the director. He said he just listened to the introduction dialogues between Mahesh Babu and Venkatesh, and nodded the project. Believe it or not, Mahesh Babu didn't expect the movie to become such a huge success. He said he thought it would be appreciated by the family audience and to his surprise everyone watched the movie (even those who like mass movies) and liked it. Good script is what matters and not the numbers, said Mahesh Babu.
By saying these words, Mahesh Babu apparently proved that he's one of the unique actors in Tollywood who's into this field because he likes acting and not to get huge fan base or money.
(AW Phani)