The magnum opus from the stable of versatile actor Dr Kamal Haasan faces another controversy just before its release on January 25. Some Muslim groups in Chennai have approached the City Police Commissioner S George seeking a ban on the screening of the film. They report that the film could rise communal tensions.
Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam (TMMK) has forthrightly requested the authorities to ban the film and also plans to approach the state Censor Board for recomending some cuts in the sequences that are sure to raise communal feelings. Earlier some Muslim organisation demanded the filmmaker Dr Kamal to premier a show for them before release. Subsequently a show was organised.
However the TMMK President and MLA, M H Jawahirullah urged the ban and expresed that they would even take the legal course on the issue, if required.
Kamal's trilingual film had been the centre of controversies since day one, inspite of getting the technical marvel tag from many celebrities. Viswaroopam is one of the biggest budegteeed film in India and had been made at a whopping cost of Rs 150 crores. (Wishesh AarKay)