'Bommarillu' Bhaskar's fourth coming film, starring Ram and Kriti Karbanda, titled ongolu gitta is ready to entertain the audience from February 1st onwards. The audio of this film is out in the market and the music scores composed by G.V. Prakash Kumar have already scored a good response. The tunes seem to be very much sinking in with the story and the treatment of the film. Kriti is as usual looking at her best, when seen in the trailers of the film.
B.V.S.N. Prasad is producing ongolu gitta. The entire unit is confident on the success of the film. Be it for the director Bhaskar, Hero Ram and the heroine Kriti Karbanda, the success of this film matters a lot at this point of their careers as all the three ka earlier films did not work out at the box office. Will ongolu gitta would bring happiness to the people associated with it?