AR Rahman musical Kadali, which was released to a grand note, failed to draw audiences to theatres on day one. Almost all the four shows in twin cities in Hyderabad and Secunderabad didn't go houseful. Although the narration and message of the movie were good, people were said to have fed up to note that the actual protagonist of the movie was Aravinda Swamy.
Even though there's a romantic track between Guatam and Thulasi, what apparently disturbed them was that the love story was not well woven by Ratnam saab this time unlike his other movies such as Roja and Bombay. Kadali undoubtely received critical acclaim for the sensous subject and awesome cinematography but the movie couldn't appeal to a larger section of audience who had many expectations from Mani Rantam. Anyway, as of now, Kadali has got a flop talk. Looks like Mani Ratnam also got disappointed.
(AW Phani)