Ramudu Bheemudu, who can forget this evergreen classical, which till date remains as one of the best movies of legendary NT Rama Rao. Dr D Ramanaidu, who produced this film and Gundamma Katha (another classic) always had in mind to remake the film. Now, it looks like Suresh Productions is finally gearing up for bringing that classic before the public in a new style.
There was a lot of buzz in film circles that this movie would be remade by Suresh Productions. There was, however, no response on the same for quite sometime. But now they have come true. It was also said that earlier Rana showed interest to work in that movie but Ramanaidu was reportedly keen to cast NTR in that role as he would match the best and more over it was the iconic film of his grandfather.
If this project will be bagged by NTR as expected then one can easily assume that it could be one of the best and prestigious projects of NTR.
(AW Phani)