Young tiger NTR's Baadshah movie's post-production is going on in full swing. Actor Navdeep, who playing a negative role in this movie, has already started giving dubbing for his character. It was told that Navdeep's character, although has negative vibes, forms a crucial part of the story. That could be the reason why Navdeep accepted that role, said sources close to film industry.
Notably, Baadshah movie's shooting is yet to be wrapped. However, post production works are also going on simultaneously. Directed by Srinu Vaitla, Baadshah is scheduled for a grand release on March 10. Music of Baadshah was scored by Thaman. So, it looks like music is also going to add extra charm to the plot. Anyway, wait for another couple of days to see NTR in different role.
(AW Phani)