Taapsee, the leading lady in the yet to be released Shadow movie, is all in praise of the lead actor Venkatesh. She used her micro blogging website to hail victory Venkatesh. She said Venkatesh as a walking and talking film institute. This is one big term and it looks like the fans of Venkatesh were all in smiles to note this line from Taapsee. It's good to hail someone but the question here is whether she praise Venkatesh for more offers.
Any good actor should not have the need to praise anyone just like that, said film critics. So, Tapsee praising Venkatesh on Twitter might have impressed her fans but certainly not film critics. Anyone, one has to wait and watch till Shadow movie is released to know whether Taapsee learned anything new from Venkatesh. Shadow is scheduled for a grand release this summer.
(AW Phani)