Eega movie directed by SS Rajamouli has shun at the National Awards. Putting aside a talk that Telugu films don't get due attention from the National Awards' committee, Raja Mouli's Eega managed to win two National Awards. In fact, after a very long gap, Telugu movie's name was heard at National Awards.
Released in the beginning of 2012, Eega movie created waves across the country as it was released in multiple languages. It's a socio-fantacy and the story line almost made people laugh but after watching the film, everyone had no other option other than hailing the excellent taking of SS Rajamouli.
In the categories of Best Regional Film and Best Special Effects, Eega bagged two National Awards. The team of Eega proved that good films will never go unnoticed before the committee members of National Awards. To prove the same, we also have classic example of Shankarabharanam movie that won Golden Lotus.
(AW Phani)