Ram Charan Teja and Priyanka Chopra's much discussed prestigious Bollywood flick Zanjeer is going to be released in Telugu version as Toofan—this is a known thing to all of you at least for fans of Ram Charan Teja. To all of them, Andhra Wishesh has something else exciting to share. Wonder what it is? Well, the first look of Toofan will be released on March 25, which happens to be two days before the birthday of Ram Charan Teja.
Ram Charan's Yevadu movie's first look would also be unveiled within two days. What's even more interesting is that March 27th is colorful festival Holi. Therefore, festival atmosphere will be prevailing in each and every street of the state and country. Toofan is undoubtedly going to become a super duper hit in Telugu, if we go by film critics as it's an adaptation of Amitabh Bachchan's Zanjeer movie. In Hindi, if this remake version gets success, then Ram Charan Teja would apparently become the first Telugu hero to rule Bollywood. Andhra Wishesh wishes good luck to the son of megastar!
(AW Phani)