Good news to Ram Charan's fans who have been worried over the release of the prestigious project of Ram Charan Teja, Zanjeer. As actor Sanjay Dutt, who's playing the role of Pran in the remake of Zanjeer, got imprisonment of five years for illegal possession of arms, everyone worried that Zanjeer movie got pushed into the pipeline. Now, actor Sanjay Dutt met his producers and assured them that he would complete all the projects before he goes to jail.
Currently three projects of Sanju Baba are underway that include P.K, Zanjeer and Policegiri. Since court has given him four weeks to surrender, he wants to make sure that he completes four projects and go to jail. Friends of Sanjay Dutt hailed him and said that his commitment towards work has stunned them. Sanjay Dutt is going to resume his shooting works this week. Zanjeer shooting, therefore, is going to be released as per the schedule.
(AW Phani)