A big blow to all Ram Charan fans on the birthday of their favourite star! The Bombay High Court ordered the producer of Toofan to withdraw its trailer with immediate effect and asked the producer of Zanjeer not to release the trailer until some issue is resolved between brothers Puneet and Sumeet with their brother Ameer. It has to be mentioned here that these three guys are the sons of late Prakash Mehra, the one who produced Zanjeer movie.
Since the trio will have right on the films made by Prakash Mehra, Puneet and Sumeet approached the court of law stating that there was some settlement issue between them and their brother Ameet. Notably, the complainants have reportedly sold the complete rights to Ameet. However, now some pending payment issue has cropped up.
Two days ago when Toofan trailer was released, it created so much buzz across the country that apparently caught the attention of the complainants too. And they knocked the doors of the court and reminded about the pending settlement. The settlement will, however, be settled as it's a big star movie. But it is certainly a disappointment to fans as they will have tension as to when the movie would be released. Lets hope for the best guys!
(AW Phani)