Baadshah movie starring NTR and Kajal Agarwal is set for a grand release on April 5. The countdown for this movie has begun yesterday itself as the censor board cleared the film release by giving U/A certificate for this flick. Directed by Srinu Vaitla, Baadshah movie has got high expectations from the public as NTR is playing lead role in the movie. Notably, NTR didn't receive any block buster hit in the recent past. His Dammu bombed at box office last year that apparently effected his career graph.
So, NTR is now all excited with the pre-release hit talk of Baadshah movie. Guess what? Baadshah is one of high budget movies in Tollywood produced by Bandla Ganesh. Baadshah tickets are now available on Easy Movies website. We hope that they would be out on other sites too shortly.
(AW Phani)