The first 3D film in Telugu, Action 3D is gearing up for a massive release in the last week of April. Allari Naresh is playing a lead role in the movie. This is not only the first 3D film in Telugu but also first ever 3D film in comedy genre in the country. Directed by Anil Sunkara, Action 3D movie has Raju Sundaram as one of the male leads. Kamna Jetmalani and Sneha Ullal are going to play female leads in Action 3D.
Although the movie name itself is action, the sources close to film unit have said that there will be hilarious comedy scenes apart from the action elements in this movie. The music for this movie was scored by Bappi and Bappa Lahari. Let us see how audience are going to receive this movie.
(AW Phani)