Gauravam movie, which introduces Allu Arjun's brother Sirish to the big screen, is all set to be released tomorrow. Written and directed by Radha Mohan, Gauravam movie is a bi-lingual movie that will be released in Telugu as well as Tamil. Noted actor Prakash Raj has produced Gauravam movie. Also, Prakash Raj acted in the movie.
The sources close to Gauravam film unit have said that Gauravam movie deals with honour killing (killing daughters and sons who for inter-caste marriages). It is known that inter-caste marriages and subsequent honour killings have been hitting headlines for quite sometime. So, it looks like the director Radha Mohan has chosen a dark subject that aims to send across good message to the society.
Movies on dark subjects are actually need of the hour as we know how visual medium can drive home ideas. But then we need to wait and watch how director has handled the subject. To know the same, you need to wait for our Gauravam movie review.
(AW Phani)