The much awaited movie by Dasaradh, Greeku Veerudu has finally hit the theatres today amidst high expectations. Nagarjuna Akkineni in the lead, Greeku Veerudu is one of the rarest movies that has shown Nagarjuna as stylish as possible. The promos of the flick have already created a lot of buzz amongst film buffs. Unlike his other romantic flicks, Nagarjuna would not appear as a sincere lover boy but plays a character that has got negative shades.
The movie Greeku Veerudu has started just now and the response for the movie is amazing. The movie has got Nayantara in the lead role. Major part of the shooting of this flick took place in foreign countries. So, one can obviously expect some good visuals in Greeku Veerudu. Whether the movie has scope to play big at box office or not, will be known shortly. Do visit this space for Greeku Veerudu movie review.
(AW Phani)