Yeh Jawaani Hi Deewani collected about 111 crores of Rupees by the end of Tuesday and joined the 100 crores club. Out of the collections till Tuesday, 86 crores were netted from the domestic cine lovers and 25 crores from foreign ones. It is a record breaker joining 100 crores club in 5 days. As it crossed the budget of the Rs.40 crores, it should be termed as a block buster. The film collected 19.45 crores on its opening day.
The next week release of Yamala Pagala Diwana-2 is also expected to reach this by the trend that is observed.
Word of mouth spreads very fast. So the collections no doubt speak for the success as we have seen in the past that the movies with a good publicity also failed at box office due to the failure to allure the audience. That is one of the reasons why the collections are publicized.
Three Idiots movie collected Rs.385 crores in total closely followed by Ektha Tiger that netted Rs.322 crores and Dabang-2 collected Rs.251 crores. The way Yeh Jawani…. is going is indicating the chances to join the band of heavy collections.