For those who are waiting eagerly for Pawan Kalyan Attarintiki Daredi film, there is a surprise in store. It will not be revealed before the movie's release. The suspense will continue until its release date on 7th August, when the big news will come out.
Many are speculating what the surprise would be, as Brahmanandam hinted at something at the Attarintiki Daredi audio release function. He mentioned that there is a special song and that he cannot say anything about it, as the producers will get upset. So, he created the suspense and now everyone is wondering what he meant. Some say that a song will feature another Tollywood superstar along with Pawan Kalyan. However, these speculations may not be true.
We have to wait and watch for the big release next month to know the surprise. Attarintiki Daredi songs have already seeped into viewer's minds, particularly 'aaradugula bullet'.
(AW: Sruthi)