Mahesh Babu is a star that people copy and not the other way round. However, there is considerable talk surrounding 1 - Nenokkadine, for which Prince Mahesh is busy shooting. The story of Nenokkadine is still an enigma, just like Mahesh's expressions in the teasers.
That does not stop people from trying to guess the story. Taking the help of little bits and pieces of information on the film, many have come up with the idea that 1 - Nenokkadine is similar to Ranbir Kapoor's Rockstar. Rumors are flying around that the film will have Mahesh acting as a rock star with different songs composed in the style that AR Rahman followed for Ranbir.
Apparently, Devi Sri Prasad gave five completely different songs for the actor in Nenokkadine. This is true, but the story rumors are not. No one has yet come even close to guessing the film's story, but we know for sure that there is an item song with Sophie. Audio release for the film may be held in December this year.
Meanwhile, the team of 1 - Nenokkadine is on a tight schedule to complete shooting within 2 months. Mahesh Babu has another project, Aagadu, coming up. He will begin shooting for Aagadu as soon as shooting for 1 finishes.
(AW: Sruthi)