Praneetha Subhash shared the screen space with Samantha in recent Pawan Kalyan's movie "Attarintiki Daredi" and scored good marks for her charm and performance in it. Taking cue with the recognition she got, she has been busily engaged in her own promotion by actively participating in the show room openings and also other activities keeping close touch with the cinema industry.
Finally she achieved in her endeavor with an offer in Rabhasa as second heroine with NTR in which Samantha is already working as the first lead lady. Praneetha debuted with “Yem Pillo Yem Pillado” came to limelight with Attarintiki Daredi.
The movie “Rabhasa” is taking shape under the direction of Santhosh Srinivas who directed Ram’s “Kandireega”. Bellamkonda Sai Ganesh is producing the movie under the banner of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Productions.
If Praneetha fares well in “Rabhasa” also she will have sure and firm footing in the film industry if she goes with the right strategy. That is her problem but as far as the audience is concerned they are going to get double dhamaka with two charming girls in the movie “Rabhasa”.