Mahesh Babu' movie 1 is shooting at Goa. With the Goa schedule the movie 1 reaches its completion excepting some patch works here and there. Kriti Sanan is pairing with Mahesh Babu for the first time in the film.
1 with the tag line “Nenokkadine” is shaping under the direction of Sukumar. The movie is produced by Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara on 14 Reels Entertainment banner.
The movie 1 is scheduled to be released for Sankranti. Date is also fixed by Mahesh Babu as January 10 as Sankranti proved lucky for Mahesh Babu’s movies- Okkadu, Businessman and Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu.
Music is scored by Devi Sri Prasad and fighting scenes are choreographed by Peter Heins.
At present the movie 1 is shooting at Goa with the lead stars.