Arya hero of the movie Varna in Telugu and Irandam Ulagam in Tamil is keen to watch the movie at Hyderabad. He did not reveal the name of the theater where he will watch it but he said that he has not seen the move totally till now and wants to see first at Hyderabad.
Arya who was seen in a negative role in the movie ‘Varudu’ has not made an impression in Telugu cinema field like new age heroes- Surya, Karthi, Vikram and Vishal. The move may be to get close to Telugu audience.
As a statement in the promo of the film Arya said that the experience he got from the movie is entirely different and he is sure that the Telugu audience certainly likes it. He said that he wants that the movie should hit success not for the sake himself or Anushka but for the benefit of the director of the film Selva Raghavan.
As a hero of the movie he might have seen the director’s dedicated effort without compromising anywhere to pass the above hopeful and wishful comment.
Click Here For Varna Movie Review