Telugu audience has been waiting for long for the new faces of Akkineni Akhil son of Nagarjuna and Amala and Varun Tej son of Nagababu from Mega family.
So many things were heard about their debut films but nothing concrete has been heard so far.
It is heard that the Varun Tej’s debut will be under the direction of Sirkanth Addala. The public talk about Akhil’s debut is time and again denied by him. But it has to happen sometime!
Now the latest buzz is that Dev Katta who laboriously worked on Autonagar Surya may be chosen by the Akkineni family to give the responsibility of debuting Akhil. But it may happen after seeing the result of Autonagar Surya.
Anyhow we are going to see these two young heroes in the near future hitting the screens but debuting cautiously as it is done in the case of the heirs of big heroes. First a Director will be chosen who in turn will chose or pen a story that he thinks suitable to the hero’s son to enter the cinema world with a bang. Then heroines and other actors and technical personnel will be selected.
It is all because of the belief that the first impression is the best impression and for that the settled hero families can wait and workout for the best time and create suitable environment to show their young heroes in the best light possible.