Hot star Sunny Leone opened a jewelry shop at Hyderabad on Sunday. She waved her hand with a mesmerizing smile on her face. She visited Hyderabad to promote the movie Jackpot.
Sunny Leone is going to appear on a Telugu film shaking her leg for an item song. She said that she has also been offered roles in the Telugu movies in addition to item songs.
She expressed her desire to tour the city along with his co star Sachin Joshi who knows Hyderabad well. She also wants to taste Hyderabad Biryani in this visit for which she has been waiting for it for long.
The adult film star turned Hindi film star was seen all excited for the offers she received to work for Telugu Industry.
Jackpot movie is a comedy thriller directed by Kaizad Gustad and is going to be released on December 13 in which Sunny Leone liberally did a skin show as the first look and photos reveal and promise an eye feast to the audience.