Sunil allured Telugu audience with comedy action gradually molded to the lead roles after Rajamouli's Maryada Ramanna movie. Telugu cine lovers who appreciated Sunil’s acting and dialogue delivery in his initial movies became fans for his dance skills and also for his appearance after his workouts at gym.
An actor cannot be called a perfect one unless he acts in a mythological movie. A mythological movie gives one a chance to actors to show their prowess as the language will be refined and needs good dialogue delivery and a different type of presentation of their roles.
Old legends NT Rama Rao, Akkineni Nageswara Rao, S.V.Ranga Rao and others could showcase their acting talent with the help of the mythological roles they played.
Sunil is also stepping into the mythological mold under the direction of Thanikella Bharani. Bhakta Kannappa portrays ultimate devotion with total surrender and total faith. Thanikelly Bharani is going to study the role of Kannappa from different books before making a script.