Dhoom -3 entered a 100 crore club within 3 days breaking the record of Chennai Express that did it in 4 days. It is expected to collect 300 crores. It is for the first time Abhishek's film entered a hundred crore club.
Amitabh Bachchan posted on the facebook, "#Dhoom3 collects 100 + cr in first weekend .. that is incredible and just out of the park !! Nearest to this number was 80 cr for CE ! And this little fellow Abhishek is now in it .. never imagined this would be so…" and also posted in twiller, “Dhoom 3 weekend collection all India is Rs 107 crore. This is going beyond all records ever !! And going beyond berserk."
Opening day collections of the film “Dhoom-3” released on December 20 itself have broken Chennai Express records.
The movie with Abhishek Bachchan, Amir Khan, Uday Chopra and Katrina Kaif is an action thriller in which Aamir Khan played an anti role like John Abraham and Hrithik Roshan in Dhoom 1 and 2.