Much awaited Rajnikanth's graphic rich bonanza Kochadaiyaan's theatrical trailer is all ready to be released. The Indian cell phone manufacturing company Karbonn has geared up in the meanwhile to bring out phones and tabs with Kochadiayaan brand name.
Karbonn Kochadaiyaan The Legend 2.4 and 2.8 phones are high end models having 13 MP camera and double SIM support. S5 I with the same brand name features 5” display with 8 MP camera with preloaded content on 4 GM memory card. Karbonn Kochadaiyaan A6 and A36 are also coming with less features than it.
It is not simply using the brand name Kochadaiyaan. The phones are coming with preloaded content having scenes in the movie, screen savers, cinema dialogues, photos and cinema sound track. Above all super star Rajnikanth’s autograph on all of them can be had.