Stylish star Allu Arjun starrer Race Gurram music was launched in Hyderabad. Megastar Chiranjeevi graced the event as chief guest and released the audio. Speaking on the occasion, Chiru said, “I watched Kick movie recently, I liked it and would like to act in a film with that genre. Unfortunately I’m into politics and unable to do films. Arjun is a hard worker and I wish him all the best.”
The makers have said that they are putting all the efforts to bring the film for Summer. However, heroine of the film Shruti Haasan skipped the music launch and posted in her Twitter account citing reasons for her absence. “Sorry to disappoint but I won't be able to make it for the race gurram audio launch as I'm shooting for welcome back! Really gonna miss you,” tweeted Shruti.
Yem Maya Chesave fame Manoj Paramahamsa is handling the Cinematography and Thaman scored music for this film. Director VV VInayak, producer Allu Arvind were other guests in the event.
(AW: Vamshi)