Dusky beauty Samantha is making her debut in Bollywood following the request of her guru and director Goutham Vasudev Menon. Samantha will be seen in female protagonist role in the remake of Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu [YVM] in Hindi titled Assi Nabbe Poorey Sau.
Apparently director Goutham planned YVM in three versions at a time but due to dates issue, he shelved the Hindi version. Now as everything fell in its place, the movie has started and shooting of the film is in progress too. Aashiqui 2 fame Aditya Roy Kapoor will feature as male lead in YVM remake while Samantha will pair with him.
Initially Sonam Kapoor was approached for this role however things did not materialize and also Samantha long back said that she isn't interested in Bollywood but with her favorite director's request, she accepted the offer.
Hope Samantha makes a good start at Bollywood.
(AW: Vamshi)