Megastar Chiranjeevi shifted his focus on films and everyday we keep hearing about his 150th landmark film. But the Mega sources never confirmed any news and is heard to be still in pending. As per the latest reports Chiranjeevi is planning to build a Mega studio in Visakhapatnam. He is considering 450+ acre land located between Vizag-Bheemli for the studio construction.
Allu Arvind is believed to be looking after the studio construction works while Chiru would be looking after the permits, clearances and other essential establishment formalities, according to the source.
To build a studio was always in the mind of Chiru since very long time but could not do it with prior commitments and finally he is set to accomplish his dream. The speculations are also rising that film industry might move to Vizag.
(AW: Vamshi)