Tollywood legendary actor Akkineni Nageswara Rao's last film Manam which has Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya in other lead roles is running successfully allover the world. The movie has so far crossed 30 crores mark at box office and is still reporting packed houses.
To make the audience watch again the movie, Nagarjuna who is also the producer of Manam, decided to add few scenes of ANR. Apparently, Nagarjuna and his editing team removed few scenes of ANR to cut the overall length of the film. However, with the audience enjoying the movie like never before, Nagarjuna has reconsidered to add the removed scenes.
According to the sources, these scenes of ANR will be added after 50 days completion. A smart strategy by Nagarjuna.
(AW: Vamshi)