Comic hero Allari Naresh is in a mood to experiment these days. Despite tasting a failure with Laddubabu, Allari Naresh is now coming up with yet an another different subject titled Bandipotu. The movie was officially launched today and award winning director Indraganti Mohankrishna will be helming the project.
Eesha is playing the female protagonist role while Naresh's brother Aryan Rajesh is producer.
We all know Indraganti Mohankrishna comes up with unique subjects and impresses the audience. Naresh is currently in a bad phase with no proper hits under his belt and irrespective of the results, Naresh wants to continue with the experimental flicks. His upcoming film 'Jump Jilani' is gearing up for release and for the first ever in his filmy career, Naresh will be seen in dual role in this movie.
(AW: Vamshi)